E-commerce website

E-commerce or shopping carts enable you to sell your products online over the internet.  With more and more businesses now trading online you need to think about who your intended market is.  With online sales forecast to continue record growth levels and eventually outpace normal retail sales the opportunities to expand are great. e-commerce

There are many e-commerce website solutions available to help you sell online and this has become critical to the survival of many businesses.  Solutions IT has implemented many e-commerce solutions over the past few years, using a range of payment processors including GoogleCheckout,  PayPal, SagePay and WorldPay.





 Kanyo can provide you with your very own e-commerce website, we will:

  • help you identify and select the most suitable e-commerce solution
  • build the e-commerce platform and integrate with your desired design
  • help you identify the most suitable payment processor
  • integrate your e-commerce cart with any supplier product feeds
  • train you on the use of the e-commerce shopping cart
  • help you track and monitor the traffic to the site


SSLIf  you require SSL certificates we can also integrate these with the e-commerce shopping cart.  It is important you meet the current PCI DSS secuity compliances, which we can also help you with.

Our support does not stop when the site has been completed and you have started trading online, we are always available to help, even with your future online marketing activities. 

Colin Youngson